2012, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2012; 9 (1)
Confirmatory factorial analysis of the IDERE structure in samples from several Iberian-American countries.
Martín CM, Riquelme MA, Martha MR, Grau AJA, Enríquez SJA, Pérez DR
Language: Spanish
References: 27
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Studying the structure of an instrument is part of the research and its internal validity since it allows for assessing the level whereby the components of a test make up the build intended to be gauged as all interpretations will be based on it. In a preliminary study of IDERE, a complex factorial structure that hadn’t been originally foreseen was found, so this paper seeks to delve into the cross-cultural factorial validity of different theoretical models by means of Confirmatory Factorial Analysis.
The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 1,507 individuals from three countries: 503 Spaniards, 330 Cubans and 674 Mexicans of ages between 18 and 106 years old. For data analysis, the AMOS 18.0 software was used. A finding indicated that better adjustments can be obtained if they take into account not only the feature-status distinction, but also the presence-absence of depression. In this sense, a three-factor model was appraised, considering the feature-status depression distinction in contraposition to a factor of antagonistic items related to depression. That seems to be the most theoretical appropriate and most fruitful tool for the sake of the research, since it opens up the possibility of enriching the instrument’s diagnostic potentials.
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