2012, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2012; 38 (2)
López BL, Fernández PZ, Langaney RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 8
PDF size: 64.96 Kb.
The sirenomelia is a very uncommon congenital anomaly characterized by fusion of lower extremities or the presence of an only and rudimentary lower limb. This is the case of sirenomelia diagnosed at birth to describe the clinical, epidemiological, ultrasonographic features of this congenital anomaly considering that the possible cause if a disruptive vascular phenomenon. The severe oligohydramnios during the second trimester of pregnancy is one of the suspected ultrasonographic signs for the sirenomelia.
Zanforlin Filho SM, Guimarães Filho HA, Araujo Júnior E, Pires CR, Mattar R, Nardozza LM. Sirenomelia sequence: early prenatal diagnosis of one rare case associated with acardiac malformation. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2007 Apr;275(4):315-6.
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Akbayir O, Gungorduk K, Sudolmus S, Gulkilik A, Ark C. First trimester diagnosis of sirenomelia: a case report and review of the literature. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2008 Dec;278(6):589-92.
Valenzano M, Paoletti R, Rossi A, Farinini D, Garlaschi G, Fulcheri E. Sirenomelia. Pathological features, antenatal ultrasonographic clues, and a review of current embryogenic theories. Hum Reprod Update. 1999 Jan-Feb;5(1):82-6.
Sawhney S, Jain R, Meka N. Sirenomelia: MRI appearance. J Postgrad Med 2006;52:219-20.
Lyons J. K. SMITH Patrones reconocibles de malformaciones humanas. 6ta ed. Madrid: Elsevier España,S.A; 2007. p. 728-9.
Duesterhoeft SM, Ernst LM, Siebert JR, Kapur RP. Five cases of caudal regression with an aberrant abdominal umbilical artery: Further support for a caudal regression-sirenomelia spectrum. Am J Med Genet A. 2007 Dec 15;143A(24):3175-84.
Marybeth Browne., Philip Fitchev,, Brian Adley, Susan E Crawford. Sirenomelia with an Angiomatous Lumbosacral Myelocystocele in a Full-term Infant. Journal of Perinatology. 2004;24:329-31.