2011, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2011; 30 (4)
Nutritional assessment of children aged 6-11 from Ciudad de La Habana
Fariñas RL, Vázquez SV, Martínez FA, Fuentes SLE, Toledo BE, Martiato HM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 439-449
PDF size: 230.91 Kb.
In past years obesity became in a problem of epidemiological proportions affecting
developed and developing countries. The objective of present papers is to
determine the behavior of body mass index and the excess weight and obesity
prevalence according to the fat content in children from Ciudad de La Habana. The
weight, height and tricipital and subscapular skin folds were measured to assess
the nutritional status from body mass index and the percentage of total body fat. The 24,68 nof boys and the 35,96 % of the girls are within the higher categories of
total body fat content. Results confirm the high incidence of the excess weight and
obesity in the study sample, situation corresponding with the trend experienced in
past years at world scale.
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