2012, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2012; 29 (1)
Children and Television III. Violence
Reyes-Gómez U, Reyes-Hernández U, Sánchez-Chávez NP, Reyes-Hernández KL, Reyes-Hernández DP, Castell-Roldán E
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 37-43
PDF size: 57.76 Kb.
The development of children is influenced especially by the hereditary characteristics and the mult iple environmental factors of the family environment; the residence place, the socioeconomic condition, the ethnicity and the culture.
The role playing by television in the creation of an atmosphere in which the children carried out their psicosocial development, they are more vulnerable for not be able of applying a critical judgment.
The messages which they receive, and specially those by means of television go conforming their vision of the world, these go supporting the bases of their future personalities, with their corresponding attitudes, customs, favorite characters and styles of life.
Diverse studies show that to look television for a long time and without control can be related with a violent or aggressive behavior, others problems bullying
Pediatricians, may carried out a central function in the evaluation, the treatment and the surveillance of the problems of the social abilities and to guide the parents to the weaning of television and replace this valuable time for other activities of more benefit.
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