2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2012; 50 (1)
Epidemiology of the cardiac sudden death
Ochoa MLA, González LM, Tamayo VND, Gómez DHJ, Correa ADP, Miguélez NR, Fernández-Britto RJE
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Objectives: to describe the epidemiology of the sudden cardiac death in health areas from the Arroyo Naranjo municipality in La Habana during 2000-2004.
Methods: an epidemiologic study was conducted in 210 000 inhabitants from the health areas of the Arroyo Naranjo municipality ("Julián Grimau", Reparto Eléctrico, Párraga, Reparto Capri, Los Pinos and Managua) in La Habana with a 5-years follow-up. The Cuban Group for Study of Cardiac Sudden Death, the research center and references of atherosclerosis of La Habana and the "Julio Trigo López" University of Medical Sciences took part. The SUCADES I (Sudden Cardiac Death Study) included 5 098 deceased from natural death with application of cardiac sudden death criteria according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Results: from the total of study deaths, the 9.3 % was of sudden way. The 50.6 % of events were in the male sex, in ages from 60-74 years (40.1 %). The Párraga place was the more affected (23.4 %). The victim's home was the place of occurrence in the 35.0 % of events. The myocardial acute infarction was confirmed in the 58.4 % of cases.
Conclusions: the cardiac sudden death due to coronary disease and the rhythm alterations was more frequent in men aged from 45 in a close relationship with the atherosclerosis progression. It is manifested in the victim's home when event is produced unexpectedly.
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