2011, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2011; 48 (1)
Prevalence of sequelae of temporal teeth traumata in institutionalized children from the Playa municipality
Casals GY; Montero del CME; González NG
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 14-21
PDF size: 55.33 Kb.
To determine the prevalence of sequelae of traumata of temporary teeth in group
of institutionalized children and to identify the causes and places of more frequent
occurrence a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in children from
the nursing home of the Playa municipality. Sample selection was performed by
Multistage Stratified Sampling. In each stratus the 25 % of nursing homes was
choose for a total of 10. These were selected by randomized simple sampling. The
sample was determined taking into account that the traumatic lesions appearance
frequency according to the studies conducted fluctuate about the 30 %. Children
aged 2 to 5 were included institutionalized over 10 years in nursing homes
presenting with sequelae of teeth traumatic lesions without Stomatology treatment;
1 250 children were examined. The sequelae prevalence was of the 18.56 % where
the more frequent ones were the loss of coronary tissue in 9.44 % of study
children, followed by the color changes with a 5.92 %. The more prevalent sex was
the male one with an 11.2 % of total. The more involved ages were those of 3 and
5 years for a 4.96 % and a 5.68 %, respectively. Most of lesions occurred due to
falls in a 9.84 % where the 7.76 % were at home. A high percentage of teeth with
trauma sequelae and a need of treatment no registered in conventional
examinations performed at schools.
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