2011, Number 4
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Rev Endocrinol Nutr 2011; 19 (4)
Satisfaction with the doctor-patient relationship and its association with metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes
Ríos-Álvarez M, Acevedo-Giles Ó, González-Pedraza AA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 149-153
PDF size: 69.57 Kb.
Background: The lack treatment of compliance is one of the most important problems in the management of chronic diseases; it produces a decrease in treatment efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy. The specialized literature describes diverse factors that influence the accomplishment of treatment goals such as sociodemographic factors, the disease itself, the kind of therapy used and the characteristics of the doctor-patient relationship. The later one is the factor with the strongest predictive value.
Material and methods: This was a cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample carried out in diabetic patients from the Family Medicine Clinic Dr. Ignacio Chavez ISSSTE. An identification cardand a test to evaluate doctor-patient relationship (Patient-Doctor relationship questionnaire PDRQ-9) were applied. Fasting blood glucose, and glycosylated hemoglobin were used to evaluate glycemic control; total cholesterol, tryglycerides, weight, height, body mass index and blood pressure were used to evaluate metabolic control.
Results: Of the 129 evaluated patients, 63.6% had adequate glycemic control and 32.6% had poor metabolic control. From the total questionnaire, 83.9% of the patients considered having a good doctor-patient relationship; 75.2% were satisfied and 69% reported having good communication and accessibility with their physician. The glycemic control and metabolic control associations were poorly correlated.
Conclusions: Our patients were satisfied with their doctor-patient relationship, however the associations between glycemic control and metabolic control was poor; this can be related to other factors that could favor good disease control.
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