2011, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2011; 22 (3)
Nutritional status in adolescents, body excess weight and associated factors
Valdés GW, Leyva ÁG, Espinosa RTM, Palma TCF
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 225-236
PDF size: 85.67 Kb.
Introduction: the adolescence is a decisive stage with a high level of prevalence of
nutritional disorders that latter remains during the adulthood and are associated with
short- and long term complications.
Objectives: to identify the association between excess of body weight and the
interesting family pathological backgrounds and some perinatal risks, the presence of
high blood pressure and its relation to the family history of high blood pressure and
the increase of abdominal adiposity and finally, to identify the presence of acanthosis
nigricans and its relation with the similar factors.
Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to characterize the nutritional status of the adolescents of the seventh grade from the "José María Heredia" secondary school during 2009-2020. Group included 192 adolescents who with a previous consent of parents underwent anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist circumference and estimation of the body mass index) and also the blood pressure and search of clinical signs of insulin resistance. A survey to parents on the family pathological backgrounds and on some data of their children was applied.
Results: there was that the 20,31 % of adolescents had excess weight or obesity, which was related in a significant way to the presence of a high blood pressure and
clinical signs of insulin resistance. The high blood pressure was present in the 9,9 % of adolescents without any relation to hereditary factors.
Conclusions: obesity and body excess weight are a health problem in study
adolescent population, which is associated with the presence of a high blood pressure
and insulin resistance; there was not relation in its behavior to non-modifiable factors
(family and personal pathological backgrounds).
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