2011, Number 3
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2011; 10 (3)
Relevance of the study the Burnout in nurses. State of the art
Fernández SA, Betanzos DN, Hernández RL
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 135-140
PDF size: 76.31 Kb.
In this document is featured some concepts and definitions by several authors about Burnout Syndrome, which has been determined as response to chronic labor stress. Because of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of professional accomplishment in the work. This syndrome has been researched in diverse occupational groups but our interest aims to the professional of nursing for being a welfare profession and with high vulnerability to develop it. Initially these investigations have taken place in doctors and nurses. Although at present it is accepted that the professional exhaustion affects any occupational group. Historically the study of the Burnout syndrome is known by the term “burned”, worn away, exhausted by labor stress. The elements that cause Burnout are multiple, the groups of symptoms that exhibit workers are extensive, finding important physical, mental, emotional and social disorders, and this explains the complexity in studying it since specific instruments have been elaborated to measure the magnitude of the problem. The characteristic of these studies about the syndrome is that they were performed in hospitals of high specialty, the samples were significant with confidence and the more used instrument was the MBI-HSS. The results expose presence of the exhaustion in the nurses from low to high level as well, in their three dimensions. The methods and statistic analysis do not allow cutoff points to establish specific and achievable comparisons between finding results.
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