2009, Number 3
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Acta Cient Estud 2009; 7 (3)
Body mass index and lipid profile in venezuelan teenagers from coast northcentral region
Higuera S, Arria M, Vera Y, Sanz R
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 150-157
PDF size: 90.73 Kb.
Adolescence is an important period in human development, due to all the physiological, physical and psychological changes that occurred and can affect the nutritional wealth of the teenager. A reflex of this is the obesity, which development during growth and maturation stages determinate its presence in the adulthood; for this reason the body mass index (BMI) was determinated and its relationship with serum lipid, as indicators of nutritional status, as well as risk for cardiovascular diseases. Research was done in 1,776 individuals of both sexes with an age between 12 and 19.99 y-old, selected from five Venezuelan states (Aragua, Carabobo, Distrito Capital, Miranda and Vargas). Data analysis included central trend measures, dispersion, ANOVA test and Post Hoc tests. In the evaluated teenagers prevalence of BMI higher than percentile 90 was between 14 and 18.7%, being higher in teenagers; gradually increasing the BMI, total cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the females. Those female and males with an elevated BMI, presented significantly higher levels of triglycerides compared to those with normal and deficient BMI, being higher in teenagers; also was observed the was low when HDL levels were decreasing; however, these levels of serum lipids resulted appropriated either for males as well for females.
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