2010, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2010; 18 (1)
Adolescent perceptions about the risk of contracting AIDS
Trejo-Franco J, Flores-Padilla LL, Villaseñor-Farías M
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 3-8
PDF size: 42.94 Kb.
Objective: to know the perception of Adquired Immunodeficiecy Sindrome (AIDS) risk by adolescents.
Methodoly: a qualitative study with 49 students of 14 to 19 years old was carried out; a semiotic analysis of text was made. Information was obtained with focal groups recorded interviews. Participanting observation was also carried out; Analysis was centered in narrative since a semantic perspective and thematic description; the approached axes were Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) AIDS, sexual relationships, pregnancy, condom using and fidelity.
Results: high school perception of risk concerning AIDS was quite a lot less than students of becoming pregnant. Pregnancy brings immediate changes and there is a clear family and social position of rejection. They perceived it as a product of luck or fate; “If you are going to get it, you get it no matter whether you are careful or not.” Or the perception that it is focused on groups at risk and they do not consider them as part of on (“queers”, “junkies”). Six different stances are distinguished with regard to risk in function of the subjects’ situation and interpretation; there is not just one reason why these things happen and they assign the responsibility and even luck to others.
Conclusions: adolescents perceived AIDS as a risk. They have problems with information, understanding and accepting the problem. Regarding the use of condoms, campaigns should aim at repeating the advantages and usefulness of using them (pleasure and protection) and teach how to use them. Sex education is a right and an alternative solution.
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