2010, Number 3
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Arch Neurocien 2010; 15 (3)
Clinical, epidemiological and sociocultural study about epilepsy. Critical approach
Figueroa-Duarte AS
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 139-151
PDF size: 175.87 Kb.
Epilepsy is one of the most frequent and furthermore, chronic neurological conditions that affect fifty million persons in the world, most of them living in developing countries. Following a methodological proposal designated
socio-cultural epidemiology a study was conducted in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico from 2005 to 2008.
Objectives: to analyze the condition at the location where it occurs and is cared for in order to learn how those who suffer it experience and face it: the children and adolescents, their mothers and other relatives, as well as the health-care staff accountable for their care.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies by means of two strategies: first, through an analysis of medical records from a local children’s mental health unit in order to gain knowledge of the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the disease; second, through interviews with 20 parents regarding the sociocultural aspects thereof. Afterwards, six families residing in the city’s peripheral area were interviewed, in order to become acquainted with the main problems found in the care of their children’s epilepsy, as well as the physician specialist who evaluated the cases.
Results: The findings reveal the problems experienced by those suffering this disease, mainly by the non-insured population; in addition, the limited capacity of the health systems to face and to help this population was exposed. Also, the precarious conditions under which these families live, and the work overload and lacks experienced by the physicians who help this population were detected. The impact on families living in the poorest areas due to the disease’s high treatment cost was reflected.
Conclusions: This study highlights the precarious conditions under which these families live and how it exerts an influence on the control of the disease. Also, the commitment of the institutions (public health, medical, educational) is underscored within a perspective focused on prevention (primary health care) due to the large number of epilepsy cases with preventable etiological factors.
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