2010, Number 2
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Arch Neurocien 2010; 15 (2)
Art therapy as treatment for attention deficit disorder in a sample of mexican school children
Gabriela Gallardo Saavedra, Ana Padrón GL, Martínez WMC, Barragán CHR, Passaye AE, García DLR, Aguilar CE
Language: Spanish
References: 60
Page: 77-83
PDF size: 104.35 Kb.
The attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a common pathology in school aged children, there is enough evidence regarding a genetic component and on the participation of neurotransmitters in the neural circuitry, responsible for the regulation of wakefulness, attention, excitation, and inhibition. Its prevalence has been reported between 1.7 and 17% in developed countries; in Mexico there are only estimations, indicating its presence in about 1,500.000 children. It predominates in the male gender, the most common subtype is the Combined form (DSM IV), the most frequent co-morbidity is oppositional defiant disorder. Treatment must be multidisciplinary. Art therapy is a recognized treatment option in Europe and the USA, and it has been only recently introduced into Latin America applied to health, education, and social education, and is being used at the individual level for diverse problems, including ADD.
General objective: to compare the behavioral cognitive, and of image changes in a sample of voluntary school children with ADD before and after exposure to art therapy in groups.
Subjects and method: a sample of 13 voluntary school children with ADD of the municipality of Nuevo León, state of Guanajuato, Mexico, were subjected to auditory and visual acuity assessments, to the Wechsler test, and to neuropediatric tests and fMRI with auditory, images, and Stroop paradigms. The DSM and Conners questionnaires were applied to their teachers and parents before and after the intervention with art therapy for 6 months.
Results: the characteristics of the sample coincide with the results obtained by other researchers. All participants presented normal auditory and visual acuity. The DSM-IV tests applied to the teachers and parents revealed significant differences between the test and retest, i.e., before and after the intervention. The Conners scale showed no significant differences. Cognitive changes revealed significant differences in 11 of the 14 WISC-IV sub-scales. Changes in the activation of Brodmann’s areas were more important for the images paradigm.
Conclusions: results are not conclusive because of the type of sample; but, after the intervention with arttherapy, the behavioral and cognitive changes in the studied population were significant. It is necessary to confront these results with studies including a control group and to redesign a paradigm that is compatible with functional magnetic resonance imaging, able to measure inhibition or another executive function and to compare results with a control group.
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