2011, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2011; 10 (1)
The subjection of the patient with psychomotor agitation
Estévez REA, Basset MI, Guerrero LMGR, López VJT, Leal GML
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 32-38
PDF size: 260.96 Kb.
Introduction: The therapeutic subjection can be related to the immobilization, which is understood as the use of mechanical or pharmacological physical procedures directed to limit the movements of part or all the body of a patient, in order to control its physical activity and to protect it of the injuries that on itself or to other people could cause.
Objective: To make a revision about the subjection of the patient with psychomotor agitation like therapeutic measurement.
Methodology: A documentary revision of existing Literature was carried out to describe the different forms from subjection of the patient with psychomotor agitation, trying an approach to the models that are followed in the institutions of health of Mexico.
Conclusions: The necessity exists to create a standard procedure to hold to the patient with psychomotor agitation, that preserves its fundamental rights and simultaneously it guarantees his physical and moral integrity, for which is essential the exposition of standards in indicators that are able to evaluate the procedure at issue.
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