2008, Number 41
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Med Univer 2008; 10 (41)
Teaching and research. A necessary relationship
Gutiérrez SC
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 238-247
PDF size: 436.01 Kb.
Rapid advances in science and technology as well as the subsequent large volumes of information produced, which is quite often disseminated informally, make its complete understanding impossible. Education through traditional methodologies is quickly forgotten, therefore, it is necessary to include in the educational curriculum reflexive activities and research so that the learning becomes meaningful.
We analyzed quantitative research methods with a hypothetical deductive focus and a qualitative with a naturalistic focus, comparing the epistemology, evaluation processes and the resulting relationships between them. We also analyzed educational research by university researchers, of the professors and about the same professors, in addition to the relationship between researcher and researchee. The importance of reflection as a part of the research-action, which also promotes changes within the teaching-learning process and in the research process itself. Specialization within a determined scientific field impedes a global or integrated focus, which results in cultural, sociological, and civic challenges, not to mention, the challenge to integrate them. We discuss the outstanding and controversial aspects of education and research, concluding that there is indeed a need for reform in thought and teaching to better form and train professionals, and professors-researchers with a social focus, in addition to a global and integrated vision.
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