2011, Number 05
Intrauterine insemination results in the Specialized Center for Women´s Care
Kably AA, Carrera LE, Carballo E, Campos CJA, Nuñez GM
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 280-284
PDF size: 502.32 Kb.
Background: intrauterine insemination should be offered to couples with unexplained infertility, given its effectiveness and compared to in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, is less invasive and requires less resources. It also should be offered to couples with male factor infertility in selected patients with induction of ovulation to increase the chances of pregnancy.Objective: to determine the rate of pregnancy with intrauterine insemination in couples with infertility.
Material and methods: descriptive and retrospective study of 500 couples with female, male and combined infertility, primary or secondary, managed with homologous insemination, with controlled ovarian stimulation and programmed ovulation, in patients with at least one permeable salpinx, FSH ‹12 IU/L and ›5 x 106 mobile and normal sperm. Ultrasonografic follicular follow-up and ovulation triggering according to findings, performing insemination 36 hours after the shooting, with luteal phase support with progesterone.
Results: 1.6 cycles on average, female infertility 65.8%, 21% male and combined 13.2%, age average 32 years of women and 36 years of man, average ovarian stimulation 8 days. Pregnancy in 19.5% of the patients, of these, 65.1% under the age of 35 years, 33.3% from 35 to 40 years and 1.5% older than 40 years. Pregnancy at term 77.08%, miscarriage 11.45% and unknown resolution at 11.45%. Twin pregnancy 14.61% and high fetal order 5.7%. Pregnancy with female infertility 64%, male 22.3% and combined 13.5%. Pregnancy with endometrial ‹8 mm 9.8%, 8-15 mm 86.4% ›15 mm 3.6%. With trilaminar endometrium 72.3%, dense 12.5%, linear 0.5%.
Conclusion: The rate of pregnancy in intrauterine insemination hardly exceeds 20%. The determinants for this are the women age, type of infertility and endometrial characteristics. It was also noted high twin pregnancy and high fetal order.
Francavilla F, Sciarretta F, Sorgentone S, Necozione S, Santucci R, Barbonetti A, Francavilla S. Intrauterine insemination with or without mild ovarian stimulation in couples with male subfertility due to oligo/astheno- and/or teratozoospermia or antisperm antibodies: a prospective cross-over trial. Fertil Steril. 2009 Sep;92(3):1009-11.