2010, Number 592
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Rev Med Cos Cen 2010; 67 (592)
Incontinencia urinaria en la mujer
Rodríguez GC, Esquivel VLF
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 151-157
PDF size: 390.76 Kb.
IU is the complaint of any involuntary urine loss and can be classified as urge, stress or mixed urinary incontinence. IUU is given by detrusor overactivity while IUE can be due to urethral support defects or intrinsic sphincteric insufficiency having the IUM both components. The patient´s history and physical examination are often enough to presume a condition, further studies should be done when it is difficult to make a definite diagnosis. Initial management is based on behavior modification an pelvic floor rehabilitative techniques. For IUU the antimuscarinic agents are the mainstay of pharmacologic treatment, for IUE are the α-adrenérgic agents and estrogens. Surgical treatment should be used when conservative and pharmacologic treatments fail. For IUU sacral nerve neuromodulation and augmentation cystoplasty are the major surgical procedures and for IUE the sling procedures.
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