2010, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2010; 26 (6)
Approach to patients with chronic diarrhea
Higuera-de la Tijera MF, Alexanderson-Rosas EG, Servín-Caamaño AI
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 583-589
PDF size: 403.11 Kb.
Chronic diarrhoea is defined as the abnormal deposition of three or more liquid or diminished in consistency evacuations per day, and/ or evacuations with a weight›200g/day, for more than four weeks. In developed countries the most frequent causes are irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal inflammatory disease, syndrome of malabsorption, chronic infections, and idiopathic secretory diarrhoea. In underdeveloped countries are more frequent bacterial chronic infections, by mycobacterium or parasites. In the evaluation of this entity we must try to establish if the origin is organic or functional. It must be investigated if the diarrhoea is secretory, osmotic or inflammatory, this orients to us towards the possible etiology, for it is useful to determine the fecal osmolarity and to calculate the fecal osmotic gap. The presence of blood in feces and the determination of fecal leukocytes can orient towards an inflammatory origin.
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