2009, Number S1
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Rev Med UV 2009; 9 (S1)
Food Safety Knowledge among handlers in food business and homes at six rural towns of Gómez Farías, Jalisco
Ramírez AJP, Marín AIC, García LS
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 30-34
PDF size: 526.13 Kb.
Forming parts of food insecurity are: inadecuate food habits, inappropriate conservation and handling techniques as well as lack of knowledge wich will condition the biological utilization of food in our organism.
OBJETIVE: To diagnosticate the food safety knowledge on 54 food business and 305 homes at six touristic rural towns at Gómez Farias, Jalisco.
METHODS: Standardized questionnaires were applied to know about: food safety general knowledge, food preparation, food service, personal hygiene and cooking. Total succeeded answers were evaluated in a one to ten point scale in order to obtain descriprive statistics and to determine diff erences using ANOVA (α=0.05).
RESULTS: General mark level of knowledge was superior at handlers at home (7.19± 1.04) than at food business (6.81± 1.21). It´s owed to a signifi cant diference on Personal Hygienic topic (8.57± 1.88 vs. 6.85± 2.08, respectively). There is other defi ciencies of knowledge on topics like: food contamination, desinfection, cross contamination, water, food freeze and unfreeze, ready to serve food´s temperature; all of wich condition food sickness transmition.
CONCLUTION: To determine food hygienic weak knowledge areas will provide the tools to design an Educational Food Hygienic Program in order to capacitate interested people from the six rural towns at Gomez Farías.
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