1999, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 1999; 19 (4)
Differential diagnosis between coccidioidomycosis and tuberculosis in children
Hurtado MJA, Cerecer CP, Esquer ZRA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 181-186
PDF size: 68.90 Kb.
Tuberculosis, in any of its clinical presentations, is a very important public health problem in the northwestern region of Mexico, and Baja California is one of the states with the highest incidence of the disease, reporting 600 new cases during the last four years, 50% of them in the city of Tijuana. Nevertheless, there is a risk to abuse of diagnosis of tuberculosis or not to consider other differential diagnosis as coccidiodomycosis by practitioners in this geographic area because of the high frequency of the disease. On the other hand, due to the continuous migration movement in the state, it is very probable that many of the cases of tuberculosis or coccidiodomycosis could be misdiagnosed when seen by doctors in other regions of the country. This problem is particularly dangerous in children under five years old, because this group of age is more susceptible to develop disseminated forms in both diseases. Tijuana has a high prevalence of tuberculosis and coccidioidomycosis in pediatric population (45.6% of children without BCG are reactive to tuberculin skin test and 10% of children are reactive to spherulin test). Because of all of the previously mentioned and the anarchic growth of the city of Tijuana, its poor urbanization, limited accessibility to health services and its constantly migrating population, both tuberculosis and coccidiodomycosis become a true public health problem. Physiopathology, including immunology aspects, for both diseases, as well as some helpful paraclinical elements for differential diagnosis in pediatric patients are reviewed in the present work.
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