2008, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2008; 10 (2)
Burnout Syndrome and Work-related Stress. A Review
Joffre-Velázquez VM, Saldívar-González AH, García-Maldonado G
Language: Spanish
References: 66
Page: 65-72
PDF size: 100.41 Kb.
Objective: To describe concepts on Burnout syndrome (BS) and work-related stress.
Material and Methods: A search was conducted in MedLine and EBSCOhost electronic databases employing the following key words: burnout; stress; health professionals, and work environment of work. We selected reports of past 5 years, but some previous articles were chosen if they proved relevant.
Results: Stress has been defined as a non-specific response to harmful external stimuli. The work environment has been considered one of the sites where this situation is more prevalent; the BS has been translated as “having been burned at work”, is defined as the response to work-related stress on a chronic basis and is characterized by negative attitudes and feelings toward others, with self-perception of being emotionally exhausted. The prevalence of the BS differs according to study type. Health workers demonstrate a higher risk for developing BS. . The Maslach Burnout Inventory comprises an instrument with clinimetric value for identification and evaluation of the disorder.
Conclusion: Research is needed in this field to favor mechanisms of early detection of cases, especially in high-risk groups.
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