2009, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2009; 29 (1)
Knowledge of health workers on nosocomial infections and their prevention
Anaya FVE, Gómez GDJ, Martínez GNJ, Galán CA, Galicia BGV, Veloz SI
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 20-28
PDF size: 139.33 Kb.
To prevent the nosocomial infections (NIs) it is necessary to know what they are and how do they get transmitted,to consciously break the route of infect during our professional practice as Healthcare-Workers (HWs).
Objective. To measure among HWs the knowledge level about NIs and their prevention.
Methods. In October and November 2008 a cross-sectional study was made, in a third level care hospital. Doctors, Nurses and Workers of Basic Services (W-Basic) of different shifts and categories were interviewed about their knowledge on NIs and their prevention by means of Standard Precautions (SP) and by Transmission Mechanisms of (TM). A questionnaire designed specifically for each group of HWs was applied. Analysis was made by simple frequencies, chi square (x
2), Correlation of Pearson and Variance Analysis (ANOVA).
Results. Doctors obtained a global qualification of knowledge on the NIs and their prevention of 0.58±0.15, Nurses 0.67±0.14 and W-Basic 0.7±0.1 (p‹ 0.01); for Knowledge in NIs 0.64±0.15, 0.63±0.12, and 0.66 v0.12 (p‹ 0.15) and for Knowledge in SP and TM 0.5 ±0.23, 0.64 ±0.26, and 0.78 ±0.16 (p‹ 0.01), respectively. The general qualification of the three groups was 0.65 ±14. Doctors have a correlation of 0.33 between knowledge in NI and knowledge in SP and TM, for Nurses 0.28, and for W-Basic 0.13.
Conclusion. Knowledge about NIs and their transmission mechanism among HWs is still poor.
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