2008, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2008; 28 (1)
Intestinal parasitosis frequency in Los Cocos, Aragua state, Venezuela. 2005 – 2006 period
Grenier AGE, Rodríguez OG, Grenier AEM, Sánchez AR, Almeyda GLI
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 6-12
PDF size: 343.72 Kb.
We have studied 320 patients from Los Cocos Clinic, Sucre Municipal, State of Aragua, Republic Bolivariana of Venezuela; with the purpose of determining the incidence rate of intestinal parasitism in the area. All of the patients’ heces samples were processed using tree different coproparasitologic methods. The conclusion was that 230 patients out of the total number of patients were carriers of intestinal parasitism illness. Fifty four of the patients were between the age 30 to 34; forty six patients were between the ages of 10 to 14; and 45 patients were between the ages of 25 to 29 years old; these results are representative of 71.8 incidence of the sample size. Demonstrating the high morbidity of intestinal parasitism in the area.
The following parasites were the
species found:
Oxiuro in 75 patients,
Ameba in 50 patients,
Giardia lamblia in 33 patients,
Ascaris Lumbricoid in 52 patients, and
Angiostrongiloid in 20 patients. We did not find any patients with more than one kind of parasite. The most general symptoms reported were abdominal cramps and diarrhea. The most frequent symptoms related with the parasite were the following: anal prurity in patients with
Oxiuro, anorexia and abdominal cramps in patients with
Giardia lamblia, bruxism and anorexia in patients with
Ascaris Lumbricoids, and abdominal cramps and diarrhea in patients with
All the hygiene advices were done, and the positive influence of the family physian and nurse were established.
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