2006, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2006; 26 (4)
Treponema pallidum frequency in adults
Tondopó DB, Coutiño PME, Estrada ELE, Dávila EMT, Jiménez PTA, Cano CJH, Arroyo DL
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 110-114
PDF size: 146.65 Kb.
Introduction: syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted infectious Disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Treponema Pallidum, extremely fine and thin helical organisms, pertaining to Spirochaetales Order, from Spirochaetaceae family that characterize themselves to have a flexible cellular wall and, surrounding the wall are small microfibrils, that in fact have a structure as if they were flagellums, therefore are considered endoflagellums.
Objective: to determine Treponema pallidum frequency, to establish the source of transmission and the phase of evolution that was the infection in adult patients.
Material and methods: retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study, where 689 tests of VDRL were made during this period, only 14 (2.04%) were positive, the patients were referred to external consultant for filling a epidemiologist report, 78% of the reviewed cases, had an asymptomatic clinical picture.
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