2002, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2002; 40 (5)
Naproxen Prescription in the Elderly
Díaz RF, Morales LJR, Sánchez VC
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 409-414
PDF size: 117.69 Kb.
Introduction: It is considered that for the year 2020, 12 % of the world’s total population will be › 60 years of age. Greatest hope for life brings the possibility as a result of greater morbility in that same population; this can lead to increased consumption of medications for the elderly. At the IMSS, naproxen is among the first antiinflammatory drugs prescribed; its side effects can give rise to problems in these population groups.
Objective: To determine the way naproxen is prescribed in the elderly at an IMSS family medicine clinic.
Method: This a retrospective, transverse, descriptive, and observational study. 200 patients › than 60 years of age were analyzed for age, gender, diagnosis, dose, and time of naproxen prescription.
Results: The patients in their majority were among the 5-year period of 60-64 and 65-69 years of age, and 65 % corresponded to the female sex. The main reasons for consultations were systemic arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and degenerative joint disease. The most frequent prescription form was one pill every 8 hours. Time of prescription was 30 days. A high percentage of prescriptions specified no dose or time; 78 % of patients studied had some chronic degenerative illness and frequently more than one.
Conclusions: Naproxen prescription does not agree with the therapeutic diagnosis guidelines of the IMSS; in general, it is indicated in greater quantity and at a greater lapse recommended in patients who have a greater possibility of experiencing complications.
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