2010, Number 1
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Rev Mex Periodontol 2010; 1 (1)
Anthropometric study of the dentogingival complex of the anterior upper teeth. I. Coronal exposure
Castellanos SJL, López PRA, Fandiño LA, González PDM
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 23-30
PDF size: 375.94 Kb.
This is a report on tooth exposure (clinical crown) using information obtained from the master database for an anthropometric study on the dentogingival component, carried out on 151 Mexican subjects of between 15 and 29 years of age. Describing the size of the clinical crown involves, on the one hand, the morphological aspects of the crown itself and, on the other, the extent of gingival coverage, both of which can depend on either genetic or environmental conditions, which may impact the chances of observing differences in specific individuals or by reason of gender or ethnic group. The size and appearance of the crown not only involve objective parameters such as linear and proportional (radial) measurements, but also subjective assessments and temporary points of reference such as aesthetic considerations, i.e. what is considered to be pleasant or unpleasant at any particular point. This represents both a demanding and an enriching challenge for the clinic that must, for a variety of reasons, provide attention to the anterior dental region. This report on crown exposure presents and discusses observable (clinical) tooth sizes with respect to length (HL) and width (A) plus the HL-A radii of the upper central and lateral teeth and canines, the extent of gingival coverage and possible gender-related differences in a mixed-race Mexican population from the country’s central region. These data are of unquestionable significance for the dental decision-making process, particularly in the areas of periodontics, orthodontics and prosthesis.
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