2008, Number 85
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Rev Enfer Infec Pediatr 2008; 21.22 (85)
Treatment with nandrolone in wasting syndrome associated to HIV in children: a qualitative review of the literature
Rodríguez GCA, Montijo BE, Bacarreza ND, Cervantes BR, Hernández BV, Zárate MF, García CM, Mora MI, Ramírez MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 217.95 Kb.
Background: Weight loss during the natural history of the disease in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is common and has a multifactorial origin. Opportunistic infections as well as the same HIV infection are responsible for the increase in energy consumption and hypermetabolism, triggering malnutrition. The weight loss in patients with HIV, even a small percentage, is associated with disease progression and is a factor of poor prognosis. The current management of this condition includes an adequate nutritional support, physical therapy and drugs such as anabolic steroids, megestrol, cyproheptadine and recombinant human growth hormone.
Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of nandrolone in pediatric patients with syndrome of attrition by HIV, analyzing what has been published or reported in world literature.
Materials and methods are included randomized, controlled clinical trials, conducted between 0 and 17 years and 11 months old, in patients diagnosed with burnout syndrome associated with HIV/AIDS, evaluating intramuscular treatment with nandrolone decanoate.
Results: It was not possible to perform meta-analysis, due to the heterogeneity of the impact on the results of clinical trials on the usefulness of nandrolone in the burnout syndrome associated with HIV/AIDS. There are no clinical trials in children, so this review evaluated all tests conducted in adults with nandrolone decanoate in syndrome wear associated with HIV/AIDS.
Conclusions: Although the widespread use of nandrolone in adults to treat burnout syndrome associated with HIV and other chronic diseases, its efficacy and safety in weight gain, increased lean body mass and fat-free mass, there is not evidence for its usefulness in pediatrics.
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