2003, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2003; 41 (5)
Medical Practice and Medical Responsibility. Some Reflections
Tena TC, Sánchez GJM, Rivera CA, Hernández GLE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 407-414
PDF size: 132.76 Kb.
Traditionally, the relationship between the physicians and his/her patients was based on trust, appropriate human communication, and a clear definition of the social role of each. At present, this relationship is in crisis. The purpose of this work was to meditate on the main factors that affect this relationship, with special emphasis on analysis of the rights and obligations of both, physicians and patients, to have more elements of understanding concerning the professional responsibility involved in medicine practice. The fundamental elements to restore humanism in medicine include strict adherence to technical and scientific knowledge, ethical behavior, and special attention to communication. This reflection should be exposed from the initial stages in medical formation and be promoted in medical updating of physicians.
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