2009, Number 1-2
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Microbiología 2009; 51 (1-2)
Prospects for the use of natural yeast during the production of bacanora
Álvarez-Ainza ML, Zamora-Quiñonez KA, Acedo-Félix E
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 58-63
PDF size: 87.06 Kb.
Bacanora is a typical Mexican alcoholic beverage manufactured in Sonora State by artisan process, obtained from
Agave angustifolia Haw. The heads of agave are cooking, ground, and fermented by natural fermentation and finally the fermented juice of agave is distillated to obtain a product with 45-50° GL of alcohol contain. Some investigations related to alcoholic beverages like wines, tequila and mezcal were analyzed. Authors conclude that is very important know the volatile compounds to make a selection of wild yeast that support the identity of each beverage. The studies using local yeast selected in wine are really spirited to use this yeast in the manufacture of bacanora, witch can be used to obtain a better quality and homogeneity of the beverages.
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