2010, Number 1
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Arch Med Urg Mex 2010; 2 (1)
Emergency medical systems in Mexico. A prehospital perspective
Fraga-Sastrías JM, Asensio-Lafuente E, Román-Morales F, Pinet-Peralta LM, Prieto-Sagredo J, Ochmann-Räsch A
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 25-34
PDF size: 125.48 Kb.
Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) in Mexico are heterogeneous. The present model emphasizes volunteer-based operational and administrative systems. To reach a high quality system implies professionalization of the EMS structures, which does not necessarily mean the disappearance of volunteers, but to build a solid institutional structure that needs actions regarding ambulance personnel and their training, communications, finances and management, transports and facilities, universal access to the EMS, coordination between authorities and disasters among other considerations such as research in this particular area that still offers great possibilities. The present work analyzes, from a wide standpoint, those organizational aspects of EMS that have a potentially important impact in the future of this activity in our country.
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