2003, Number 1
Comparison between BHT and FI to evaluate severity and clinical evolution of the asthma crisis.
Carrillo RJG, Mejía ÁM, Suárez LT, Robledo PCJ, Sánchez GM, Estrada GA
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 11-16
PDF size: 56.58 Kb.
BHT is the lapse of time that an individual can voluntarily hold his breath. The aim of this work was to prove that BHT can be used to evaluate the severity and evolution of an AAA comparing this test with the FI. Methods: In 39 patients with FI equal to or above 4, the BHT was measured, from the end of maximal inspiration to the end of maximal slow expiration and was compared to the FI at basal time and 24 hours later. Results: After 24h the FI improved from 5.3±0.81 to 1.56±2.08 (p‹0.0001), and BHT from 5.8±2.14 a 10.1±4.5 (p‹0.0001). Correlation was found between BHT, FI and volume expired in the first second, cardiac frequency, respiratory frequency and dyspnea on admission and 24 hours later. Clinical evolution was evaluated with 50% of improvement in BHT and FI in most patients, with sensibility and specificity of 88 and 85%. On admission, 90% of the patients presented BHT ‹ 8 seconds. At 24 h patients improved their BHT to › 10 sec, and the FI was reduced ‹ 4 pts (sensitivity and specificity of 89 and 81%). Conclusions: BHT correlated with FI, volume expired in the first second, dyspnea, heart and respiratory frequency. Regarding improvement, the change in percentage was similar for FI and BHT. Patients with FI › 4 present BHT above 8 sec. BHT is a simple, easy, and objective test which reveals the severity and evolution of asthmatic patients.REFERENCES
Lung and Blood Institute. National Asthma Education Program. Expert Panel Report 2 National Heart. Guidelines for the diagnosis and managenement of asthma. United States. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee National Institutes Nationa Heart, Lung and Blood Institute 2000.