2009, Number 4
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Vet Mex 2009; 40 (4)
Nontraditional available ingredients with potential to be used in gestating sow feeding in the Mexican Bajio
Avilés RED, Espinosa GJA, Rentería FJA, Mejía GCA, Mariscal LG, Cuarón IJA
Language: English/Spanish
References: 23
Page: 357-370
PDF size: 228.49 Kb.
In order to identify existing agro-industrial by-products and remainders in the region of the Mexican Bajio, which by their availability and level of production could be incorporated in the feeding of gestating sows, the statistical information of agricultural products that by an agro-industrial process generate by-products for livestock was integrated. In this sense, a list of by-product processing plants was created. Likewise, a survey was designed and applied to a significant sample (equation of sampling proportions for maximum variance) of these companies, to know the amounts of raw materials used, transformation coefficients, and the amount and destiny of generated by-products. According to the aforementioned, the future availability of these by-products was determined and regression models were designed. The by-products and remainders that were identified as feasible to be used were more than twenty. However, on the basis of the annual supply and demand of each by-product, the ones that showed the great est potential to be used in feeding gestating sows were the following: rice husk (4 375 ton), saved of rice (2 905 ton), sesame meal (between 14 400 and 28 800 ton), cabbage remainders (1 092 ton), broccoli and cauliflower remainders (annual 13 400 and 1 800 ton, respectively), avocado remainders (4 800 ton) and palm oil for frying process of nuts (12 000 L). Those with better potential while measuring their future availability are broccoli and cauliflower remainders. With the aim to use agro-industrial by-products and remainders available in the Bajio for sow feeding, bromatologic and nutritional characteristics should be determined, as well as its possible impact on the energy and protein digestibility and sow performance. .
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