2009, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2009; 10 (3)
Sobrepeso en el lactante del Area Metropolitana de Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Aguado-Barrera ME, Dávila-Rodríguez MI, Cortés-Gutiérrez EI, Zamudio-González EA, Cerda-Flores RM
Language: Spanish
References: 49
PDF size: 174.66 Kb.
The infant stage is an alternative in boarding the struggle against obesity. There has been demonstrated that a relation exists between overweight in this period with the current issues of public health. Due to this, it is necessary to search for adjustable factors in the carers and health team, in order to create appropriate behaviour that propitiates suiable development of the individual. The objective in this study was to determine the prevalence of overweight in Monterrey’s metropolitan area infants who assist the healthy child program from six primary health care units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security. There were studied 400 children under a year of age, to whom they there was realized measurement of weight and height, qualifying by means of the diagnostic nutritional tables of the NCHSCDC/ OMS. The results of this study show that the prevalence rates of excess body weight in infants under a year old in Monterrey’s Metropolitan area are 43.23%. There is a clear that excess body weight represents a problem of public health in México, which needs the rethinking of the preventive programs in this one population sector, in search of those children that are acquiring pathological bosses of behavior in food ingestion.
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