2009, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2009; 10 (2)
Comparación físico-química y sensorial de huevos de campo, orgánicos y comerciales
Quitral V, Donoso ML, Acevedo N
Language: Spanish
References: 35
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The hen egg constitutes one of the most abundant and common foods of the human diet. In the last years, an increase in the interest has taken place to mainly consume them by its protein contribution and low cost, which has taken to an increase in the production of these to world-wide level. In the present study parameters were compared physicochemicals and sensorial between eggs of different origin: of field, organic and commercial. When comparing the physical parameters were observed that the commercial eggs have greater weight, whereas the field eggs presented greater percentage in weight of rind, which provides greater protection to him, and the organic eggs greater percentage in weight of yolk. The proximal chemical composition made in the clear one, whole yolk and eggs indicates that the organic eggs of field and present greater protein content, the commercial eggs have greater content of
humidity and lipids (in dry base). By means of the analysis of sulfhydryls groups, one determined that the organic egg protein of field and has contained minor, therefore their proteins are of better quality since they are more native. Parameters of texture in emulsions elaborated with the samples were evaluated, the one that has better characteristics corresponds to the emulsion prepared with field eggs. In the sensorial evaluation the best quality as far as appearance, color and scent appeared in the organic egg samples, as far as texture, also were described organic eggs of field and, whereas the field eggs presented better quality in flavor.
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