2001, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2001; 24 (4)
Efecto de la privación total de sueño sobre el estado de ánimo deprimido y su relación con los cambios en la activación autoinformada
Cano MC, Miró E, Buela G
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 41-49
PDF size: 314.64 Kb.
The role of activation on the sleep deprivation anti-depressive effect has been verified in depressive subjects. In a recent study, it was observed that sleep deprivation provokes deterioration of the depressive mood in healthy subjects. However, there are also important individual differences as in the case of depressive subjects. Some subjects improve, others experience some deterioration, and still others do not experience any change in their depressive mood with sleep deprivation. The objective of this study is to analyze the activation role in the effect of sleep deprivation, on the depressive mood of healthy subjects. Specially, the levels of different subjective activation dimensions will be analyzed before and during sleep deprivation in order to verify if the previous variable levels can predict the sleep deprivation response. In addition, we will analyze if the changes in the activation variables are related to the response to this procedure. The pre-deprivation levels are considered in two forms: t he mean level and the main course. A total of 48 healthy subjects (30 women and 18 men) participated in the study. Their ages ranged between 18 and 25 years. The experiment consisted of a total sleep deprivation of 60 hours (starting on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. and ending on Thursday at 9:00 p.m.). The experiment all groups included from 5 to 7 subjects. Between evaluations, subjects were allowed to read, listen to music and watch television. The subjects were under the constant supervision of two investigators to prevent them from falling sleep. The Beck Depression Inventory was administered at 6:00 p.m. on the first day (base line); the second day (after the first night of sleep deprivation), and on the third day (after the second night of sleep deprivation) in order to evaluate any changes in the depressive mood. The self-informed activation levels were evaluated through the Differential Inventory for Mood Study (IDDA-EA), in order to measure three dimensions of the self-informed activation: activation, tensio, and arousal. The IDDA-EA was administered every 10 hours (at 10:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m., and 4:00 a.m.), 10 times throughout the length of the experiment. The data show that in healthy subjects the total sleep deprivation leads to low activation levels in diverse types of measures. These decreases in the activation level are not related to changes in the depressive mood. Furthermore, the day before sleep deprivation the mean levels for these variables are also unrelated to the effect of this procedure. However, a significant relation was found between the diurnal arousal variation during the previous day and the sleep deprivation effect on the depressive mood. These data are discussed in relation to the data found in depressive subjects.
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