2009, Number 3
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2009; 56 (3)
Diathermal loop in endocervical neoplasia. Histological study
Martínez HB, Acosta FR, Barrios RMA, Carbajales LAI
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 177-182
PDF size: 44.29 Kb.
It is considered that cervix uteri cancer cause around 500, 000 deaths to the year in the world, it is after breast cancer the one that affects woman with more frequency and its evolution depends on the precocious diagnosis. In Cuba it occupies the third place of incidence and the fifth of mortality, Camagüey it is among the provinces of more incidence in the country. An analytic cross-sectional study was carried out at «Ana Betancourt de Mora» Hospital that included 195 women submitted to conization with diathermic loop, with the objective of analyzing their histological results. The predominant diagnosis was the premalignant lesion (NIC I, II, III) that affected in more proportion to the group from 35 to 44 years, the most represented was NIC II, the borders of surgical section free of lesion prevailed, cytohistologic correspondence in the cases of NIC I and infiltrating epidermoid carcinoma (CEI) was verified, not in NIC II, NIC III, benign and negative lesions and correspondence between the results of the cone and the initial biopsy existed. Despite the fact that conization with diathermic loop is an invasive procedure, it is justified its use for the diagnosis specificity and the treatment effectiveness.
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