2009, Number 2
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2009; 56 (2)
Cardiac surgery without allogeneic transfusions: A one-year experience period at the cardiac Center of Santa Clara
Hidalgo MPA, González AO, Méndez MJ, Moré DA, Fuentes HL, Rodríguez HRO, Ceballos ÁA, Padrón BA
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 105-112
PDF size: 109.11 Kb.
Cardiac surgery has traditionally been a great consumer of homolog transfusions. Due to the negative effects over morbidity/mortality and costs, there have been several attempts in order to develop alternatives to reduce or ovoid transfusions. We analyzed 151 patients operated for cardiac surgery with and without extracorporeal circulation, who were incorporated to a blood-saving program that included acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) with autotransfusion, during the year of 2008, at the Cardiac Center of Santa Clara City, Cuba, in order to determine the effectiveness of such strategies. It was possible to practice transfusions with allogeneic components to the 55% of the patients subjected to operations (the 56% of the group operated with extracorporeal circulation and the 52.64% operated without it). The transfused patients required a low amount of allogeneic blood components, as well as a reduced number of units administered through the transfusion. We conclude that the blood-saving strategies were efficient for reducing homolog transfusions in the pre-operative period of cardiac surgery.
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