2003, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2003; 14 (2)
HPV-16 and 18 DNA detection from swabs of cervix of women who consulte at medical care centers in Merida City, Venezuela
Muñoz M, Mendoza JA, Téllez L, Noguera ME, Moret O, López M, Toro M
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 61-68
PDF size: 48.02 Kb.
Introduction. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes infection of the cervix uteri and has been strongly related to cervical cancer. The principal objective of this work was to study the frequency of HPV-16 and HPV-18 in venezuelan women.
Material and methods. 271 female outpatients who attended several centers in Mérida-Venezuela, were studied. Endocervical and ectocervical specimens were obtained in order to perform the diagnostic procedures.
Results. 34 patients (12.54%) were HPV positive by HC, 30 of whom corresponded to high risk HPV, 4 of low risk, and 4 were positive for both groups of risk. 18 patients had HPV-18, other 9 had HPV-16, 1 both types, and 2 other types. Citology detected scamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) and indeterminate atypia intracellular in 21 patients with HPV. The remaining 13 cases had no cytological abnormalities. Citology showed 89% negative predictive value.
Discussion. The HPV infection frequency found in this work is comparable to other studies, nevertheless, there are several differences in prevalence due to different methodologies applied in each work. The significant differences between Citology and viral detection are contrary to the findings reported in numerous works. This can be explained by the subjectivity of citology. The high frequency of high risk HPV, particularly HPV-18 and 16, is similar to other works. This remarks the crucial role of HPV early detection as an important tool in the prevention of cancer of the cervix.
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