2008, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2008; 22 (2)
Neurobiología del bajo peso al nacer y su asociación con la diabetes tipo 2
Manuel-Apolinar L, Hernández-Valencia M
Language: Spanish
References: 71
Page: 155-164
PDF size: 453.40 Kb.
Fetal intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) relates to maternal undernutrition, as well as social and enviromental factors in wich develops the gestation, since interfere in the circulation and efficacy of the placenta. The IUGR can be done irreversible after the birth and to be manifested as psicomotriz deficient development and neurological backwash, but has been established that have a recuperation of weight during the firts 2 years of life, with index of body mass (IBM) that itself increase quickly although this disorder seems to relate with insulin resistance, since has been describe a relation of birth weight and the increase of risk in type 2 diabetes in the adult age, as well as apparition of obesity, hypertension and glomerulophaty, independdent of the inheritance gene. in the muscle from obese people an alteration in the synthesis of glucogen exist due to a smaller activity of the glucogen-sintasa. The number of insulini receptors diminishes, mainly in adipose and muscular tissue, therefore in these cases, the nutrients that arrive upon adipose tissue for its storage increase and consequently the muscle utilizes more fatty acids and less glucose as expenditure of energy, originating decrease in uptake and utilization of glucose stimulated by the insulin. The food intake system is bases on feedback through by the expense of energy and the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems, therefore, as smaller and greater in the weight at born are both risks of suffering complications.
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