2003, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2003; 17 (2)
Tratamiento quirúrgico de la deficiencia intrínseca del esfínter uretral: revisión de la literatura y presentación de dos ejemplos
Martínez-Moreno F, Kundhart-Rasch J, Velázquez-Sánchez MP
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 115-125
PDF size: 487.75 Kb.
There are reports of the processing surgical of the incontinence urinary since the principle of
the century XX, the main advance has been the criterion of selection of each patient one for
each one of the procedures. The surgery cannot be limited to the urethra and to the bladder,
should be had in mind the equilibrium of strengths that exercise in the pelvis female. Therefore
it is necessary to carry out a classification detailed of the prolapse of organs pelvic,
quantify the defects of fascia endopelvic and to carry out a diagnostic precise of the type of
classification urinary that itself this undertaking. The clinical that is dedicated to treat women
with incontinence urinary knows that the restoring to health has a subjective appraisal but
that objective; in conclusion the purpose of the processing is that of creating a sufficient
resistance at the outset to prevent it lost of urine until arrive at an acceptable moment since
the social point of view. Subsequently a revision of the different processing is carried out
surgical of the deficiency intrinsic of the sphincter urethral, as well as the presentation of two
examples of the National Institute of Perinatology.
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