2008, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2008; 22 (2)
Problemas de conducta adicionales de la salud perinatal: alcoholismo, adicciones, trastornos de la alimentación y perdidas perinatales
Brockington I
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 132-144
PDF size: 395.31 Kb.
The article describes some severe mental disorders not described in other articles of this series. An anormal mother-fetus interaction is one of the principal predictive factors of a posterior alteration in the parent-infant relationship; when the actitude of the mother to the pregnancy is rejection, it is necessary to offer psychoterapy support. The addiction to substances is negative for the pregnancy and the fetus; for example, the offspring of alcoholic mothers frequently has low birth weigth. Women addicted to narcotics have many emocional problems. and their infants usually will have withdrawal syndrome after birth. To identify all these behavioral disorders and to implement treatment strategies can improve the problems of these mothers and help them to develop their maternal funtion.
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