2008, Number 2
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2008; 22 (2)
Trastornos de ansiedad en la etapa perinatal
Maldonado-Durán M, Lartigue T
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 100-110
PDF size: 314.67 Kb.
The perinatal experience usually is difficult for all the involved ones, especially for the mother who sees transformed his physical, emotional, social and psychological situation. In case of the psychological aspect, it is possible that the mother develops disorders of diverse nature like of panic, obsessively compulsive (TOC), of widespread anxiety or for posttraumatic stress, which symptoms and treatment derive in a series of problematic both for the mother and for the baby. For which, it is necessary to be able to diagnose each of these disorders and, especially, apply an effective and opportune treatment for the well-being of both.
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