2008, Number 4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2008; 22 (4)
Una propuesta psicoterapéutica para la mujer con embarazo de alto riesgo y víctima de violencia doméstica
Espíndola HJG, Morales CF, Henales AC, Brull JA, Sánchez BC, Carreño MJ, Watty MA
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 261-269
PDF size: 324.72 Kb.
Objective: To explore the results of brief (8 sessions), individual and group psychotherapeutic intervention intended to treat anxiety, depression and general discomfort symptoms associated with domestic violence in Mexican women during a high risk pregnancy.
Method: An exploratory open interevention study was designed; for which, a sample of women victims of domestic violence during pregnancy in Mexico City at Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia (INPer) was gathered, they agreed to sign an informed authorization form. The whole sample included 12 women, who before, and after they received psychotherapeutic treatment, lasting for 8 sessions supervised by a group of experts, answered a battery of standardized tests, including: General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the trait- state anxiety inventory (IDARE). The results were statistically analyzed through non-parametric tests.
Results: The first application displayed scores above the cut point in all scales for psycologic damage at least half of the sample group. The application following the treatment, suggests a considerable decay of positive cases in every scale, particularly in the CGS and EPDS scales.
Discussion: The brief group intervention is proposed as a possible intervention for pregnant woman victim of violence, as this study shows a favorable impact in the associated symptoms and its motivations. This is an exploratory study, which opens the possibility to produce work lines and research.
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