2005, Number 1
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2005; 68 (1)
Postdural puncture headache treatment: Past, present and future (Part 2)
López-Herranz GP
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 41-48
PDF size: 113.95 Kb.
Until today the headache appears as a frequent complication of the lumbar punction or intentional, for diagnostic, therapeutic procedures, in the subarachnoid anesthesia, or accidentally during the epidural blockade. The knowledge were generated in the past in relation to the more useful measures of treatment and with good results, still are applied in the present. In the following years, the investigation and contribution to new therapeutic alternatives for the post-dural puncture headache (PDPH). In the second part of this review, the most recent evidences in the treatment of the PDPH appear, and the applications in patients with other pathologies, that require lumbar punction, and PDPH is present, without answer to the preservative treatment and the PHE is contraindicated.
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