2008, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2008; 76 (08)
Preterm delivery and asymptomatic bacteriuria
Pérez MJ, Gaitán MJ, Lona RJC, Panduro BG, Castro HJF
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 454-460
PDF size: 175.62 Kb.
Background: The relation between asymptomatic bacteriuria and spontaneous preterm birth is a controversial topic.
Objective: To determine the association between asymptomatic bacteriuria and spontaneous preterm birth.
Material and method: Case-control study in 92 preterm pregnancies and 92 term pregnancies at the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. Menchaca between June 2005 and January 2006. Asymptomatic bacteriuria as a risk factor of spontaneous preterm birth was investigated.
Results: Asymptomatic bacteriuria was more frequent in cases (
p = 0.048); with a trend to be associated with preterm birth (OR: 2.39; CI 95: 1.10-5.28). From 92 preterm newborns, 21 (22.8%) had less than 32 weeks, and 71(77.2%)
32 weeks. Most frequent isolated bacteriae were:
E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and
P. mirabilis.
Conclusion: Asymptomatic bacteriuria had a moderate trend to be associated with preterm birth, and infectious processes are only a part of its multiple etiologies.
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