2008, Number 3
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2008; 55 (3)
Serologic markers of viral hepatitis (A, B, C) in patients with acute and chronic hepatitis
Barriga AG, Arumir EC, Mercado GF, Molina FX
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 143-148
PDF size: 104.92 Kb.
We studied and analyzed statistically the results obtained in 3731 serological studies for viral hepatitis A, B, and C, in the same number of patients using and automatized equipment AXYM™ and the MEIA and RIBA techniques. In spite of disponibility of effective vaccine and guidelines for prevention of transmission for the hepatitis B virus, this form was the most frequent type of hepatitis, followed by the type C, combinations of both, and the type A, 25% of the patients with hepatitis B was considered highly infectious by the presence of antigen «e»; the confirmatory test for hepatitis C (RIBA), was positive only in 71.6% of the total repeatedly reactive EIA patients, renal insufficiency and chronic and acute viral hepatitis were the most frequent clinical diagnosis.
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