2007, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2007; 8 (4)
Adaptación de la escala de estrés laboral organizacional para trabajadores mexicanos
Medina AS, Preciado SML, Pando MM
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 7-10
PDF size: 107.65 Kb.
The objective of the present study was the adaptation and validation of The Escale of Organizational Psichological Stress, based in the model of “effort-reward” to Mexican workers, on the factorial analysis
confirmatory. The results sample that the escale with 25 items, constitude in two dimentions:organizational conditions, and administrative process, as medition of stress. It reports the 64% of relevant
validity, with 43.55% explaint variance and 0.92 of confiability Cronbach´s alpa. It described at the participants and the 8.3% be situated in the high level of stress. It found significatives differences in the
levels of stress reported by sex, being major the level for the women. It concludes that this escale can be a valid instrument and fiability to measure the organizational stress.
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