2007, Número 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2007; 8 (4)
Presence of insulin resistance syndrome in mexican children of san luis potosi (Mexico).
Aradillas GC, Cruz ME, Hernández H, Calderón J, Quibrera R
Idioma: Ingles.
Referencias bibliográficas: 115
Paginas: 7-9
Archivo PDF: 105.54 Kb.
Algunos estudios reportan la sensibilidad disminuida a la insulina en México- Americanos jóvenes, normoglucémicos, comparados con blancos no hispanos, evidenciando que la resistencia a la insulina
comienza a una edad temprana en esta población. Estudios enfocados a la evaluación de la sensibilidad a la insulina y niveles de lipoproteínas son escasos y la mayoría han sido realizados en adultos,
principalmente en población Caucásica, Áfrico-americanos, Indios Pima y Japoneses. En niños, solo población obesa ha sido estudiada y la mayoría de las investigaciones tienen un tamaño de muestra
pequeño. Debido a que algunos parámetros asociados con la resistencia a la insulina pueden detectarse en la infancia, el objetivo de este estudio fue cuantificar los niveles de lípidos en sangre y evaluar los
parámetros antropométricos asociados con resistencia a la insulina en niños Mexicanos de 6 a 13 años de edad (n=494). La muestra fue seleccionada de manera aleatoria de niños que asistían a las escuelas
públicas. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre para analizar glucosa, colesterol, triglicéridos, insulina y lipoproteínas de baja y alta densidad (LDL y HDL respectivamente). También se midió la presión arterial y
se evaluaron las medidas antropométricas. Las determinaciones se hicieron por métodos enzimáticos excepto la insulina la cual se determinó por radio inmunoanálisis. La insensibilidad a la insulina se midió
por HOMA, el valor promedio de HOMA fue mayor en las niñas que en los niños (p‹0.01). En el grupo de edad entre 10 - 13 años el 25% de los niños tuvo valores de índice de resistencia a la insulina mayores a
3.36 . Obtuvimos una correlación negativa entre insulina y HDL (r = - 0.31, p‹0.001), positiva con: la presión sanguínea sistólica ( r = 0.35, p‹0.001), diastólica ( r = 0.23, p‹ 0.001), con triglicéridos (r = 0.39,
p‹ 0.001) y colesterol total (r = 0.11, p =0.01). Nuestros resultados demuestran la aparición temprana de parámetros asociados con el síndrome de resistencia a la insulina que se observa en adultos.
Reaven GM. 1988. Role of insulin resistance in human disease. Diabetes. 37: 1495 –1607.
Reaven GM. 1991. Insulin resistance, hypeprinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension:parallels between human disease and rodent models. Diabetes Care. 14: 195 – 202.
De Fronzo RA and E Ferranini E. 1991. Insulin resistance. A multifaceted syndrome responsible for NIDDM, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Diabetes Care.14: 173 – 194.
Carg A, JH Helderman, M Koffler, R Ayuso,J Rosenstock and P Raskin 1988. Relationships between lipoprotein levels and in vivo insulin action in normal young white men. Metabolism. 37: 982 –987.
Orchard TJ, DJ Becker, M Bates, LH Kuller and AL Drash 1983. Plasma insulin and lipoprotein concentrations: an atherogenic association?. Am J. Epidemiol. 118: 326 – 337.
Depress JP 1993. The insulin resistance-dyslipidemia syndrome: the most prevalent cause of coronary artery disease? Can Med Assoc J. 148: 1339 – 1340.
Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults: Executive summary of the Third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel II).2001. JAMA 285: 2486 – 2497.
Alberti KG and PZ Zimmet 1998. Definition,diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Part 1: diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus: Provisional report of a WHO consultation: Diabet Med 15: 539 – 553.
American College of Endocrinology: 2003. Insulin Resistance Syndrome (Position Statement). EndocrPract 9 (Suppl 2):9-21.
Balkau B and MA Charles 1999The European Group for the study of Insulin Resistance(EGIR):Comment on the provisional report from WHO consultation (Letter).. Diabet Med 16: 442-443.
Rodríguez Moran M, B Salazar-Vázquez, R Violante and F Guerrero Romero 2004. Metabolic Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents Aged 10 – 18 Years. Diabetes Care 27 (10) 2516 – 2517.
Expert Panel on Detection, Op.cit.
Alberti KG and PZ Zimmet, Op.cit.
American College of Endocrinology, Op.cit.
Balkau B and MA Charles, Op.cit.
Rodríguez Moran M, et. al., Op.cit
Haffner SM, MP Stern, J Dunn, M Mobley, J Blakwell and RN Bergman 1990. Diminished insulin sensitivity and increased insulin response in non-obese, non-diabetic Mexican Americans. Metabolism 39:842-847.
Chen W, W Bao, S Begum, A Elkasabany, S Srinivasan and G Berenson 2000. Age- related patterns of the clustering of cardiovascular risk variables of syndrome X from chilhood to young adulthood in a population made up of black and white subjects the Bogalusa heart study. Diabetes. 49: 1042-1048.
Moran A, DR Jacobs, J Steinberger, CH-P Hong, R Prineas, R Luepker, AR Sinaiko 1999. Insulin resistance during puberty. Diabetes 2039 – 2044.
Batey LS, DC Goff, SR Tortolero, MZ Nichaman, W Chan, FA Chan, J Grunbaum, CL Hanis and DR Labarthe 1997. Summary measures of the insulin resistance syndrome are adverse among Mexican-Americans versus non-hispanic white children. The corpus Christi child heart study. Circulation 96 (12):4319 – 4325.
Kawasaki T, N Hashimoto, T Kikuchi, H Takahashi and M Uchiyama 1997. The relationship between fatty liver and hyperinsulinemia in obese Japanese children. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology &Nutrition. 24 (3): 317 –321.
Steinberger J, C Moorehead, V Katch and A Rocchini 1995. Relationship between insulin resistance and abnormal lipid profile in obese adolescents. J. Pediatr. 126: 690-695.
Björntorp, P. 1996 The regulation of adipose tissue distribution in humans. Int J Obesity. 20: 291 –302.
Gower, B.A, TR Nagy and MI Goran 1999. Visceral fat, insulin sensitivity and lipids in prepuberal children. Diabetes. 48: 1515 – 1521.
American Diabetes Association 2000. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. Pediatrics 105 (3) 671 –680.
Ortiz, R V. 2001. Obesidad y diabetes tipo 2 en el niño. Una nueva epidemia. Revista de Endocrinología y Nutrición 9 (2): 103 –106.
Amos AF, DJ Mc Carty and P Zimmet 1997. The rising global burden of diabetes and its complications estimates and projections to the year 2010. Diabet Med. 14 (Supp 5) s1 585.
Jing H, RE Aubert and WE Herman 1998. Global burden of diabetes 1995 – 2025. Prevalence numerical estimates and projections. Diabetes Care. 21: 1414 –31.
Aradillas C, H Hernández, E Tenório and R Quibrera 2000. Looking for the metabolic syndrome in Mexican children from San Luis Potosí. Diabetes Research and Clinical practice 50 (1):s 123-124.
Escalante-Carvajal E, E De la Cruz Mendoza, E Tenorio Govea, J Flores Sánchez, B Torres Rubalcaba y C Aradillas 2005. Historia Familiar de Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y su asociación con resistencia a la insulina y componentes del síndrome metabólico en población infantil de San Luis Potosí. Bioquimia Supp A 30: 130.
Stahler F and W Gruber 1977. Practical enzymatic cholesterol determination. Med. Lab.30: 29 – 37.
Wahlefeld A.W. 1974. Methoden der enzimatischem Analyse 3a. edición, tomo II Verlag Chemie Weinheim.1878 pp.
Burstein M, HR Scholnick and R Morfin 1970. Rapid method for the isolation of lipoproteins from human serum by precipitation with polianions. J. lipid. Res. 11: 583 –595.
Friedwald WT, RI Levy and DS Fredickson 1972 Estimation of the concentration of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge.Clin Chem. 18: 499 – 502.
Yalow R.S.1971 Principles of competitive protein binding assays. Ed. W.D. Odell, W. H. Daugday. J.P.Lippincot, Philadelphya.
Matthews DR., JP Hosker, AS Rudensky, BA Naylor, DF Treacher and RC Turner 1985. Homeostasis model assessment: insulin resistance and B-cell function from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in man. Diabetología 28:412-419.
Rodríguez Moran M, et. al., Op.cit
Haffner SM, et. al., Op.cit
King H and M Rewers 1993. WHO Ad Hoc Diabetes Reporting Group. Global estimates for prevalence
of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in adults. Diabetes Care 16:157-177.
Rönnemaa T, M Krip and P Lautala 1991. Serum insulin and other cardiovascular risk indicators in
children, adolescent and young adults. Ann Med. 23: 63 – 72.
American College of Endocrinology, Op.cit.
Pérez-Méndez O, G Luc and C Posadas-Romero 2000. Concentraciones bajas de lipoproteínas de baja densidad (HDL) en plasma y enfermedad arterial coronaria. Arch Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 70: 312-321.
Aguilar-Salinas C.A., G Olaiz, V Valles, JM Ríos Torres, FJ Gómez-Pérez, JA Rull, R Rojas, A Franco and J Sepulveda 2001. High prevalence of low HDL colesterol concentrations and mixed hyperlipidemia in a Mexican nationwide survey. Journal of Lipid Research. 42: 1298 – 1306.
Moran A., et.al., Op.cit.
Batey LS, et.al., Op.cit.
Kawasaki T, et. al., Op.cit.
Cole JT, MC Bellizzi, KM Flegal and WH Dietz 2000. Establishing a standar definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ 320: 1 -6.
Reaven GM. 1988. Role of insulin resistance in human disease. Diabetes. 37: 1495–1607.
Reaven GM. 1991. Insulin resistance, hypeprinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension:parallels between human disease and rodent models. Diabetes Care. 14: 195–202.
De Fronzo RA and E Ferranini E. 1991. Insulin resistance. A multifaceted syndrome responsible for NIDDM, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Diabetes Care.14: 173–194.
Carg A, JH Helderman, M Koffler, R Ayuso,J Rosenstock and P Raskin 1988. Relationships between lipoprotein levels and in vivo insulin action in normal young white men. Metabolism. 37: 982–987.
Orchard TJ, DJ Becker, M Bates, LH Kuller and AL Drash 1983. Plasma insulin and lipoprotein concentrations: an atherogenic association?. Am J. Epidemiol. 118: 326–337.
Depress JP 1993. The insulin resistance-dyslipidemia syndrome: the most prevalent cause of coronary artery disease? Can Med Assoc J. 148: 1339–1340.
Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults: Executive summary of the Third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel II).2001. JAMA 285: 2486–2497.
Alberti KG and PZ Zimmet 1998. Definition,diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Part 1: diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus: Provisional report of a WHO consultation: Diabet Med 15: 539–553.
American College of Endocrinology: 2003. Insulin Resistance Syndrome (Position Statement). EndocrPract 9 (Suppl 2):9-21.
Balkau B and MA Charles 1999The European Group for the study of Insulin Resistance(EGIR):Comment on the provisional report from WHO consultation (Letter).. Diabet Med 16: 442-443.
Rodríguez Moran M, B Salazar-Vázquez, R Violante and F Guerrero Romero 2004. Metabolic Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents Aged 10–18 Years. Diabetes Care 27 (10) 2516–2517.
Expert Panel on Detection, Op.cit.
Alberti KG and PZ Zimmet, Op.cit.
American College of Endocrinology, Op.cit.
Balkau B and MA Charles, Op.cit.
Rodríguez Moran M, et. al., Op.cit
Haffner SM, MP Stern, J Dunn, M Mobley, J Blakwell and RN Bergman 1990. Diminished insulin sensitivity and increased insulin response in non-obese, non-diabetic Mexican Americans. Metabolism 39:842-847.
Chen W, W Bao, S Begum, A Elkasabany, S Srinivasan and G Berenson 2000. Age-related patterns of the clustering of cardiovascular risk variables of syndrome X from chilhood to young adulthood in a population made up of black and white subjects the Bogalusa heart study. Diabetes. 49: 1042-1048.
Moran A, DR Jacobs, J Steinberger, CH-P Hong, R Prineas, R Luepker, AR Sinaiko 1999. Insulin resistance during puberty. Diabetes 2039–2044.
Batey LS, DC Goff, SR Tortolero, MZ Nichaman, W Chan, FA Chan, J Grunbaum, CL Hanis and DR Labarthe 1997. Summary measures of the insulin resistance syndrome are adverse among Mexican-Americans versus non-hispanic white children. The corpus Christi child heart study. Circulation 96 (12):4319–4325.
Kawasaki T, N Hashimoto, T Kikuchi, H Takahashi and M Uchiyama 1997. The relationship between fatty liver and hyperinsulinemia in obese Japanese children. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 24(3): 317–321.
Steinberger J, C Moorehead, V Katch and A Rocchini 1995. Relationship between insulin resistance and abnormal lipid profile in obese adolescents. J. Pediatr. 126: 690-695.
Björntorp, P. 1996 The regulation of adipose tissue distribution in humans. Int J Obesity. 20: 291–302.
Gower, B.A, TR Nagy and MI Goran 1999. Visceral fat, insulin sensitivity and lipids in prepuberal children. Diabetes. 48: 1515–1521.
American Diabetes Association 2000. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. Pediatrics 105 (3) 671–680.
Ortiz, R V. 2001. Obesidad y diabetes tipo 2 en el niño. Una nueva epidemia. Revista de Endocrinología y Nutrición 9 (2): 103–106.
Amos AF, DJ Mc Carty and P Zimmet 1997. The rising global burden of diabetes and its complications estimates and projections to the year 2010. Diabet Med. 14 (Supp 5) s1 585.
Jing H, RE Aubert and WE Herman 1998. Global burden of diabetes 1995–2025. Prevalence numerical estimates and projections. Diabetes Care. 21: 1414–31.
Aradillas C, H Hernández, E Tenório and R Quibrera 2000. Looking for the metabolic syndrome in Mexican children from San Luis Potosí. Diabetes Research and Clinical practice 50 (1):s 123-124.
Escalante-Carvajal E, E De la Cruz Mendoza, E Tenorio Govea, J Flores Sánchez, B Torres Rubalcaba y C Aradillas 2005. Historia Familiar de Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y su asociación con resistencia a la insulina y componentes del síndrome metabólico en población infantil de San Luis Potosí. Bioquimia Supp A 30: 130.
Stahler F and W Gruber 1977. Practical enzymatic cholesterol determination. Med. Lab.30: 29–37.
Wahlefeld A.W. 1974. Methoden der enzimatischem Analyse 3a. edición, tomo II Verlag Chemie Weinheim. 1878 pp.
Burstein M, HR Scholnick and R Morfin 1970. Rapid method for the isolation of lipoproteins from human serum by precipitation with polianions. J. lipid. Res. 11: 583–595.
Friedwald WT, RI Levy and DS Fredickson 1972 Estimation of the concentration of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge.Clin Chem. 18: 499–502.
Yalow R.S.1971 Principles of competitive protein binding assays. Ed. W.D. Odell, W. H. Daugday. J.P.Lippincot, Philadelphya.
Matthews DR., JP Hosker, AS Rudensky, BA Naylor, DF Treacher and RC Turner 1985. Homeostasis model assessment: insulin resistance and B-cell function from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in man. Diabetología 28:412-419.
Rodríguez Moran M, et. al., Op.cit
Haffner SM, et. al., Op.cit
King H and M Rewers 1993. WHO Ad Hoc Diabetes Reporting Group. Global estimates for prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in adults. Diabetes Care 16:157-177.
Rönnemaa T, M Krip and P Lautala 1991. Serum insulin and other cardiovascular risk indicators in children, adolescent and young adults. Ann Med. 23: 63–72.
American College of Endocrinology, Op.cit.
Pérez-Méndez O, G Luc and C Posadas-Romero 2000. Concentraciones bajas de lipoproteínas de baja densidad (HDL) en plasma y enfermedad arterial coronaria. Arch Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 70: 312-321.
Aguilar-Salinas C.A., G Olaiz, V Valles, JM Ríos Torres, FJ Gómez-Pérez, JA Rull, R Rojas, A Franco and J Sepulveda 2001. High prevalence of low HDL colesterol concentrations and mixed hyperlipidemia in a Mexican nationwide survey. Journal of Lipid Research. 42: 1298–1306.
Moran A., et.al., Op.cit.
Batey LS, et.al., Op.cit.
Kawasaki T, et. al., Op.cit.
Cole JT, MC Bellizzi, KM Flegal and WH Dietz 2000. Establishing a standar definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ 320: 1-6.