2007, Number 37
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Med Univer 2007; 9 (37)
Sexual conduct and the use of condoms in university students
Moral RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 173-180
PDF size: 137.50 Kb.
Background: HIV prevalence rate in Mexico is .003% and the incidence has been stable since the nineties after focus was placed on working on its prevention. To achieve this, information should be obtained on the behavior of risk groups, especially of young people.
Objectives: To describe safer, protected and risk sex conducts, and the use of contraceptive methods. Also, to determine groups of subjects in a university population in relation to condom use for consideration of HIV prevention.
Material and methods: A sample of 395 psychology students was used. The data was analyzed by logistic regression, multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis.
Results: A third of the interviewed subjects had had vaginal intercourse, 54% men and 30% women. The condom use is predicted only by its use in the first relationship and a lower frequency of intercourse. This predictive model is related with the superior-right quadrant of the two-dimension model of the multiple correspondence analysis and the second group of the cluster analysis. This group represents a third of subjects who have vaginal intercourse. Another third has a high frequency of sexual relationships and is the one that uses more birth-control pills and the other third shows a risk of getting infected. 38% has had more than one sexual partner simultaneously.
Conclusions: Two thirds of those subjects who had vaginal intercourse were in risk of getting infected, a third were at a high risk. So we recommend promoting the use of the condom as a contraceptive and protective measure against STD’s through education programs.
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