2007, Number 1
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Arch Neurocien 2007; 12 (1)
Cognoscitives alternations in patients with euthymics bipolar disease
Zárate-Garduño L, Sosa-Ortíz AL, Palacios-Cruz L
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 25-36
PDF size: 102.24 Kb.
Kraepelin described a disease that he denominated maniaco depressive and now is called bipolar disease that in it’s acute state has changes in visuespacial perception and psicomotor speed. This acute changes some times become chronical. In this paper are described the neuropsychological alteration in a group of these patients componed with a similar control group. The age of both groups was similar from 26 to 62 years. On stadistical analysis was done. Congnoscitive alterations were demostrated in bipolar patients in euthymic state and was dimostrated that the disease has effect in cognositive state.
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